How do I deal with VAT?


FlippedNormals is the merchant of record and we are the business selling the goods. As a European company, we are required to collect and remit VAT. In short, you do not need to worry about collecting any tax as this is handled by us. All you need to do is pay your personal/company taxes from the sales you make through us. 


As a European company, we are only required to collect and remit VAT. This means that if a Canadian or Australian customer buys any of your products through us, no HST/GST will be added to the sale and there will be nothing to report. In short, you do not need to worry about collecting any tax as this is handled by us. All you need to do is pay your personal/company taxes from the sales you make through us. 

VAT for Customers

If you're looking for clarification on VAT as a customer, click here.

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