My Store - How does it work?

My Store is where you manage everything related to your FlippedNormals Store. It's where you upload and manage products, manage your payout details and view your earnings. We've included a handy breakdown below that takes you through everything you need to know about your My Store and how to use it.

View Store

This takes you to a live version of your store where all your published products are visible. This is what customers sees when they go to your store, so make sure it's nice and presentable. We recommend spending some extra time on thumbnails, store banner, artist bio and product titles to make it more appealing.

Upload Product

This is where you upload the products you want to sell on FlippedNormals. Add your files, gallery, thumbnail, banner, product description and information like which software you used, duration of a course, categories, etc.

Manage Products

This is where you manage the products you've uploaded to FlippedNormals. You'll get a handy overview of your prices, product status, views, product earnings, and options on how to manage a product:

  • View (Eye Icon) - Once a product is live, you can view the product page to make sure everything is looking as it should.
  • Edit (Pencil Icon) - Sends you to the uploader from where you can edit your product price, description, images, licenses and more.
  • Delete - Email if you want to delete your product. This is a temporary solution and a button will be added in the near future.

Create Sales

This feature has been temporarily removed and will come back soon, better than ever!

Earnings & Payouts

This is where you find everything related to your earnings and payouts.


  • Next Payout - How much you'll be paid during the next payout. Find out when you'll get paid here.
  • Unpaid Earnings - Includes any unpaid earnings generated in previous and the current payout cycle. This amount will typically be higher than what’s due for your next payout.
  • Total Paid - The total amount you’ve earned through your FlippedNormals store.
  • Total Sales - How many products you’ve sold so far through your FlippedNormals store.

Payout Details

This is where you connect your payout method. We currently only support PayPal, with banking being added in the near future.

Connect PayPal Account
If you want to get paid through PayPal, click the button and follow the setup. Once done, your PayPal address will have successfully been set up as your payout option.

Connect Bank Account
Coming soon!

Payout Limits
You'll get paid on the 15th of every month when your due balance meets the minimum requirement. Set a custom minimum requirement by choosing to get paid "By Amount". If no "By Amount" is set, will will default to $10.

Payout Method
If you've added both a PayPal and a bank account, you can chose which payout method you prefer.


This is a handy overview of your products sold within a specificed time period, defaulting to the last 3 months.
There are 3 tabs:
  • Unpaid - The sales you've made so far which haven't been paid out to you.
  • Paid - Sales which have been paid out to you in previous payouts.
  • Canelled - Refunded and cancelled sales.

You can also see Earnings and Sales amount for each tab in the top right.

Each tab has 3 columns:

  • Product - Which product the customer bought.
  • Amount - How much you earned on the purchase.
  • Date - The date of the purchase.

Have any questions about your earnings and payouts? Check out our help section on the subject and get your questions answered right away!


The affiliates system has been temporarily removed and is coming back in the future.

Store Settings

This is where you manage your store banner, Artist Bio, direct sale URL and social media links. Use this section to brand your store by giving it a custom banner and description. Your social media handles will also be shown on your storefront and can be used by your customers to get in touch with you.

Have any questions about payouts? Check out our help section on the subject and get your questions answered right away!

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