How do I become a Creator?

We want to give our customers top-notch products, so we have to make sure all Creators we work with meet our standards. We're reviewing all applications by hand, but that doesn't mean you should be afraid of applying.! We try our best to provide helpful feedback to Creators - both to people who have been accepted and rejected. Sign up here

Tips for a successful application

  • The better your work is presented, the more likely you are to be approved. Spend time making sure your thumbnails are nice, that the language is clear and descriptive, and that the presentation is good.
  • Please submit a link to an existing online store of yours, your ArtStation, or portfolio. We prefer online store links as it gives us a good idea of what you want to sell.
  • If you're a new Creator who's not done training or resources before, that's also totally OK! Try to describe what it is you're aiming to do and submit a sample of what you're intending on producing. 

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